A short leg causes problems with posture and movement that can lead to low back or neck pain. This can easily be checked for either in a standing or lying position. Often this problem is due to a functional change either to the joints (back, pelvis, hips, knees or feet) or the muscles. A short leg of less than 1/4 inch is considered within normal limits greater than that can cause significant problems. Correcting a short leg can be as simple as implementing stretches or exercises to improve posture or it can require an insert a shoe even out the short leg. If you suspect that you are dealing with one leg being a different length than the other your next step should be a check up to determine your best course of action. 

Currently everyone is dealing with the corona virus and there are certain populations that are at greater risk. Men, people that are over 80 and those with pre-existing conditions are the most vulnerable among us. Rather than feeling helpless this is a good time to take action and proactively build our immune system rather than wait till we get sick. Dr. Pete suggests changing our diet, exercising and decreasing our stress as good strategies moving forward stay well in these difficult times. 

Today Dr. Pete shares the damaging effects of insulin resistance and the 7 steps that you can take to change it. Insulin resistance may be the greatest pandemic that we are dealing with in our country and it is something that is completely preventable. Watch this two minute video to learn what you can do right now get control of this serious problem. 

Dr. Pete shares the referral patterns of different organ systems and how you can test to determine what is wrong. Chronic pains are commonly due to organ dysfunction and can be mistaken for musculoskeletal issues. Don’t make the mistake of allowing this problem to go on too long without getting it checked. 

Dr. Pete shares a quick screening for metabolic syndrome that could be a lifesaver. In this 2 minute video he goes over the risk factors that are components of Metabolic Syndrome. He then goes over briefly what can be done to improve these factors. 

Dr. Pete shares the effect that common hormones are having on slowing down our metabolism. These 3 hormones are very common and if you are able to correct them then you will regain control of your health. 

Dr. Pete shares the reason behind why food sensitivity occurs and a quick home test that you can do to check yourself. This is a common problem and is associated with many of the complaints his patients are experiencing. 

Dr. Pete goes over the negative effects of nutrient deficiencies and reviews a few reasons why this is occurring today to spite the fact that people are taking supplements and improving their diet. Nutrient deficiencies are one of the major underlying factor people are getting sick and are having difficulty getting well. 

Dr. Pete shares the elements that make up a good diet. Today many people are trying to make improvements to what they are eating but unsure which diet to choose. The reality is that all good diets have certain things in common and these are most likely why they produce results. 

Dr. Pete shares what the effects of adrenal fatigue are, how to test for it and what you can do to support these two important glands. Today most people are under prolonged stress and their adrenal glands can become tired over time from dealing with this level of activity. Everyone should understand this common but complex problem. 

Dr. Pete goes over how to check your posture. Checking both from the side view and the front view. Then he goes over how you can make a quick change to your seated posture by doing a simple exercise that anyone can do. 

Recently I was able to interview Melle Pirri Lee, a local physical therapist in Saratoga Springs, who specializes in myofascial release technique with a sub-specialty in care of the pelvic floor. In our conversation she was able to share practical advice and gave insights into how you would know you needed an evaluation. Hope you enjoy.

Dr. Pete shares some effective tools for managing trigger points. Trigger points are extremely painful nodules that occur in the belly of the muscle. The tools that he describes include mechanical massagers, rollers and balls. Hope you find this helpful. 

A week ago I took a few minutes to learn more about the owner of MY Gym in Ballston Spa. Mark has been participating in the health and fitness industry for the past 30 years as a body builder, gym owner and a personal trainer. During those years he has learned a lot about how to lead and motivate people to want to be the best that they can be. Take a listen and see what you can learn from his years of wisdom in his field.

In this video Dr. Pete demonstrates how to perform exercises for the discs in the lumbar spine. These exercises are meant to help create hysteresis to  improve the nutrition of these tissues. Performing these exercises twice per day over the course of a year will help the change the make up of these tissues allowing them to heal and repair. 

Dr. Pete and his son Maxwell demonstrate how to properly perform cervical traction. This exercise is a great way to decompress the neck and hydrate the discs. This is part of a comprehensive corrective program for the cervical spine and should not be done without supervision. 

Today we did an interview with Kathleen Bayly a local practitioner in Ballston Spa that practices the Emotion Code. Emotional stresses are abundant in our world today and are a major reason many of us are sick. I have personally done a few sessions with Kathy and found this work beneficial for my one health and wellbeing. If you have questions and would like to learn more Kathy has given me permission to share her email. ( kbayly62@gmail.com ) also a website that she recommended was (discover healing.com ). The book she spoke about in the interview was The Emotion Book by Dr. Bradley Nelson who also has a YouTube channel.