Tired of restrictive diets and taking supplements without knowing if they are working?

Dear friend, 

My name is Dr. Peter Meinhofer and I want to be radically honest with you. 

My Story

As I have gotten older different areas of my health have been challenging me. A few years ago I was told that I had a problem with my thyroid and then I was given the diagnosis of Psoriasis. 

The doctors suggested different medications and some different creams. So being the researcher that I am I went online to get more information about them. When I saw the laundry list of side effects I became concerned so I asked about alternatives and the doctor seemed disappointed in my questioning his recommendation. 

This prompted me to seek the advice of some alternative care practitioners. They suggested a litany of different supplements and several different dietary changes. Over the next several months I diligently followed their advice but did not feel that I was making any progress so started to grow frustrated. 

Finally some help

Then a colleague introduced me to a testing system that worked for me as it has for hundreds of others. This is not a quick fix or a one size fits all type of program but rather it is a testing system that measures the foundational body functions such as: electrolyte balance, glycemic control, pH, oxidation and others.  

The results of these tests reveal which ways my body was out of balance and enabled me to then to make dietary changes and take supplements ideally suited to my specific physical needs. Instead of taking a mishmash of things that I had read about on the internet or were recommended by some of my well meaning friends. 

The simple truth

Finally I had found a system that was simple and inexpensive to scientifically monitor function. You see what makes clinical nutrition complicated is that each person’s biochemistry can be very different. No two people are the same and what may be good for you may be terrible for me.   

After seeing how this was helping me I was excited to introduce this system to my patients so that they could benefit as well. I started off slow just recommending it to just a few people but as I saw results I opened it up to everyone. I labeled my program the “Metabolic Makeover Program” and it has completely changed my practice. 

Here is what you can expect from the program:

  1. Better disease resistance
  2. Improved tissue repair and regeneration
  3. Lower inflammation 
  4. Slower aging
  5. Greater ability to handle stress

If you are like me and are looking for ways to get better now and improve your overall health  without drugs or surgery then you need to try our program. 

Call today for a FREE orientation to learn how you can change your life with the Metabolic Makeover Program at 518-986-6330.  You will be glad you did. 

Yours in Health

Dr. Pete

P.S. If I could do it so can you. Don’t live another day feeling bad. 

P.P.S. If you are not happy I will refund your exam fees.